Thursday, May 9, 2013

Knowing JQuery In Simple

Almost all people who use the website must have heard the name JQuery, and even meggunakannya, but there are still many who do not know what JQuery. In time this article will explain the keunggulanya JQuery and JQuery is a library or JavaScripts can be referred to as a library or a listing of the collection of javascript code that is ready for use. In a simple sense, JQuery can be used to summarize a lengthy listings javascript in a website development project. So you as a Web Developer, will be given the ease in the face of the part containing the javascript. JQuery is a program that runs on the server side and will be shown on the web browser. JQuery can walk in HTML, or other web-based programming languages ​​such as PHP or JSP.

Anything You Need In Learn

There are a few things you should know before your master or learn JQuery, That is
  • HTML

    HTML is the standard language of a website. Or it could be said that HTML is the foundation in website creation. Server-side programming language-scripting that runs on the server side, so the request from the user via the browser, it will be processed on the server and then the answer will be sent again back in the browser view. The format is as follows


    <title>Listing HTML Pertama</title>

    Halo, ini adalah Listing HTML pertama saya!!
    Listing examples of HTML that run server side as listing above is saved in HTML format it will be displayed Salam.HTML On the Web Browser like figure 1.1.

    Gambar 1.1
    If you are still profoundly ignorant about HTML, you can read a book or look for tutorials on HTML, so once you master HTML, you will be able to easily learn JQuery.
  • PHP 

    PHP is one of the programs for the creation of dynamic websites are inserted in the HTML. Listings can be collaborated with JQuery PHP to build websites that are interactive and dynamic, so it will produce a professional web.

    Gamabr 1.2

    Gamabar 1.3

  • JavaScript

    If you want to learn JQuery, Surely you must understand the basics javascrip, this is mandatory because it is the basic language of JQuery is javascript.

    besides you at least know about HTML and PHP, you want to master web programming as a whole (complex) by using JQuery, you can learn a database such as MySQL, CSS, basic JavaScript, and Ajax.
In this article in the discussion focuses only website creation using Jquery. For other Programs, you can learn it yourself.

JQuery excellence

Since it was published in 2006, JQuery is a javascript library that is popular at the moment. so many reputable websites that use JQuery in it. JQuery has more advantages compared with its predecessor javascript libraries such as Yahoo User Interface, MooTools, and Prototype. JQuery because it has several advantages, including:
  • Easy to operate, because just typing a few lines of code only, so no need to write long programs
  • JQuery plugins that provide various facilities. pligins-plugins are very useful in accessories as well as technology that you build a website using JQuery.
  • JQuery can customize the CSS styles in all web browsers, so that visitors can enjoy a great view of your web browsers.
  • Provides a facility to display animations as in making animations using flash
  • Powered by JQuery developer community and spread all over the world
  • JQuery is an open source, thus free, and free to use by anyone.
Until this first article is on the other occasion I will give use the article about JQuery, and if there are flaws in this article do not hesitate and falter to criticize me as a writer who aims to correct the mistakes that unwittingly has occurred because humans are not infallible , and there is no perfection for humans because perfection belongs to GOD Almighty.

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